12:31:37 If that works just sounds good, i'll start the recording alright great thanks so much 12:31:49 Alright. thanks everybody for logging in or joining us. 12:31:53 For this special guest. speaker we have for our Cmbu series today. 12:31:59 I'm very excited to introduce you to chris Vasiliatus. 12:32:03 She is a burnout buster, and certified health and wellness. 12:32:07 Coach. I had the pleasure to hear her speak for the very first time last July, as she presented to the New England Human Resources Association a really really great session called Banish Burnout Culture. 12:32:22 And then I followed up and got her book that she authored ignition, which is right here. 12:32:28 And what I read on the back is chronic busyness running you into the ground. 12:32:34 I thought, Yeah, yeah, she's got something to say that we should all be listening to 12:32:39 So with that i'll i'll turn it over to Chris, very, very excited to have you I know sorry. 12:32:45 Go real quick before I do that freda had sent out So handouts i'm gonna upload those into the chat right now for anyone who hadn't had a chance to to grab those or print those out so those are 12:32:57 available in the chat right now, and now I will turn it over to Chris. 12:33:02 Great thanks so much. Heather, i'm so and thank you to everyone who's chosen to show up live today. 12:33:08 I really appreciate being you here, and for those of you who are listening on the recording thanks for tuning in 12:33:15 Prevention is a topic that i'm incredibly passionate about. 12:33:18 So i'm excited to share the building blocks of how to prevent it with you today, and I will underscore the handout. 12:33:27 That heather referred to definitely download that and use that and take notes on it as we go. 12:33:35 That will think of it as your workbook it's going to be while i'm going to give you different size building blocks, if you will, some big picture ones conceptual things. 12:33:45 And then some practical things you can do there's going to be a lot that I will share during this time. 12:33:52 I certainly don't expect you to walk away and do every single thing. 12:33:55 But there will be things that will, sir, I would expect, would very much resonate with you. 12:34:00 And so circle those underlying those treated However, you want So you'll walk away with essentially a customized user manual for yourself on what you want to implement converging your life. 12:34:13 So with that i'm gonna go ahead and share my screen and get going with the presentation that I've prepared for you today. 12:34:30 Alrighty. So to begin, first of all, you can think of burnout prevention in 2 different pieces from a big picture perspective. 12:34:40 The first is self management, which is today's focus how how do you manage yourself. 12:34:46 Your day. your emotions. the energy that you bring all of that is in the realm of self management. 12:34:56 So that's one essential piece of furnile prevention and the focus of our presentation today. 12:35:01 The second essential piece is having an environment that enables and doesn't impede your well-being so from a work perspective that would be things like having good communication, not being overworked having a sense of 12:35:17 autonomy. having a support structure that you can depend on fair treatment. 12:35:22 All those things would be examples of an environment that would enable versus detract from well-being that part we are not going to address today. 12:35:32 However, if you are again listening, live or listening to the recording and you're a leader. 12:35:36 Be aware that how you manage yourself impacts the environment that you create for your team and the people around you. 12:35:45 So so your self Management is going to influence the environment and That's something you can keep in mind as we go through today. 12:35:53 Thought it would help to give an initial definition of brought out. So we're kind of all working with similar terminology, and have a foundation to go on burnout. 12:36:03 You can think of in 3 different pieces. The first piece is a sense of depletion, being depleted emotionally, physically, and cognitively. 12:36:13 Basically, you feel like you have no gas left in your tank. 12:36:18 The second piece is cynicism or depersonalization. 12:36:21 Send us. some might come across as feeling skeptical or hypercritical, of certain things, deeper personalization. 12:36:33 Basically, you're kind of emotionally distancing yourself from the people around you, and and being disconnected. 12:36:41 The third piece is feeling ineffective and incompetent in performing tasks that you normally felt very confident about. 12:36:49 Some folks feel like this is a continuum and before I actually go there just to clarify burnout isn't something that happens overnight. 12:36:58 It's not like you have an overly stressful day like oh, i'm so burnt out from today. 12:37:02 You can burn out, builds up over time. So some folks feel that this is a continuum. 12:37:10 You are you have are in a state of depletion, emotionally, physically, and cognitively. 12:37:15 For an extended period of time that then leads into feelings of cynicism. and depersonalization, which, if you're in that for a long and a period of time that leads to feeling ineffective and incompetent other 12:37:27 folks feel like you can enter it from any one of these pieces. 12:37:31 So that's cool to keep in mind the world health organization. also describes Burnout as an occupational phenomenon, basically chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. 12:37:43 So if you're in an again this goes back to the environment if you're in a hyper stressful environment, and it's that it's not just that way some days and and it's fine other days But if it's in a 12:37:54 place of chronic stress that is essentially impossible, to manage and difficult to manage. 12:38:02 But if it's, stressful some days and others and you're not successfully managing kind of those off days that can also lead to burnout, and ultimately, it's feeling like you don't have the resources or the 12:38:14 capacity to meet the demands that are placed in front of you. 12:38:18 So here i've given you some ideas of what burnout looks like the sense of depletion, cynicism and feeling, and confident Other symptoms of burnout to keep in mind. 12:38:30 There are bodily ailments such like, such as headaches or stomach eggs. 12:38:34 You can feel forgetful. you might forget where you put your keys. 12:38:38 You might forget the name of a co-worker, or one of your clients might forget some deadlines. 12:38:43 The feeling distracted you're easily. distracted and it's hard to stay focused. 12:38:49 You might feel like you're running on autopilot just everything's robotic, you're addicted to being busy insomnia having trouble falling asleep staying asleep or if you 12:38:58 wake up in the middle of the night it's hard for you to fall back asleep, having extremes in terms of your appetite meeting. 12:39:08 You might go from not having any sort of appetite at all, really not stopping to have meals, or on the flip side, overeating, and maybe even overeating unhealthy foods feeling anxious or 12:39:19 depressed, that that can also occur as a result of burnout, and also having a short fuse, being more prone to anger or irritation. 12:39:28 And finally mentally distancing yourself or checking out So think of it! 12:39:34 If if you or someone or your team is experiencing these symptoms, how, What impact is that gonna have in their performance, and how they show up at work, it's not going to be positive. 12:39:46 So it makes it very relevant to a Have the discussion of burnout. 12:39:50 Be be something that's part of the normal discussion at work, and as leaders also to be aware of this, so you can keep an eye out for your team when they are behaving in a way that is out of character. for them. 12:40:04 This can be something to look out for, and just ask hey? you know I'm. 12:40:08 I'm concerned about you tell me what's going on This seems out of character for you, and and really come from a place of genuine curiosity, and wanting to help. 12:40:17 So that can be helpful to proceed that. But so what can we start to do about this? 12:40:23 How do we start to prevent burnout? So I also equate burnout proof living to a term I use, called vibrant resilience, which, and the reason why I came up with the adjective vibrant for 12:40:36 resilience is, I feel like over the in the recent years, especially with Covid. 12:40:41 We've been asked to be resilient over and over and over again, and that that in and of itself is exhausting. 12:40:47 So the resilience that i'm going for here is a resilience with a sense of vibrancy with it, a sense of aliveness to it. 12:40:55 These are some words that past clients have given me when they start behaving in burnout proof or vibrantly resilient ways. 12:41:03 They have a sense of delight and happiness, a sense of freedom, more ease, more certainty about the things they should be focusing on a sense of clarity breathing room and a pace that revitalizes you instead of burns 12:41:17 you out. So this is what's possible with burnout proof living and vibrant resilience. 12:41:23 So let's talk about how you start doing that you can think of it as a big picture of 3 steps. 12:41:29 The first is reimagining, reimagining your sense of well-being, and what that looks like for you, and then experimenting with different levers of adjustments that you can make in achieving that state of 12:41:42 well-being, and then finally implementing the concepts that help you elevate your way of burnout proof living. 12:41:51 Put that in a concrete plan that you can then go ahead and implement. 12:41:58 Starting with step one reimagine. This is where you define your version of well-being. 12:42:04 If I line 10 different people up and ask them, What is your ideal version of well-being? 12:42:08 Look like i'm going to get 10 different answers wellbeing is a very large umbrella, and so it's It's important for you to identify what your version. looks like, and as anthony trucks says if you don't know who 12:42:21 you're being you have no idea who you're becoming So your version of well-being basically becomes you are not North Star. 12:42:28 What you aim for so defining this it's called a wellness vision, and you want to create a wellness vision that compels you. 12:42:37 You might create a wellness vision. It show it to someone else and say, Hey, what do you think? 12:42:41 And it's not about whether it makes someone else excited to go after it. 12:42:45 It's whether it makes you excited to go. after it it really resonates with you in terms of Yeah, this is, if if I could come up with my ideal view of my well-being, this is what it is and this is what 12:42:56 it would look like, and it really excites me to go after this. 12:43:00 You want to be able to use language that empowers and excites you, and really just feels compelling to you. 12:43:09 So again, it's really important that it connects with deep inside with you, and and on ultimately becomes your motivator for going forward. 12:43:17 You also want to connect with the feelings of your success. 12:43:21 So if you could I often tell people when you're starting to create your wellness vision, pretend you're in a movie theater, and you sit down and you look at the screen. 12:43:30 And what comes on the screen are images of you at your best, in your well-being. What that looks like? 12:43:36 What are you doing? What are you saying? What are the people around you saying about you? 12:43:41 And what is the all that feel like that's really important to connect with? 12:43:47 Because once we define how we want to feel, we can start doing things today, we don't have to wait to create our wellness vision. 12:43:53 We can start doing things today that help us feel that way and that will. 12:43:58 It will act like as a magnet and pull us toward our wellness. 12:44:01 Vision, so that's why it's important to connect with those feelings of success. 12:44:05 So what is the wellness vision look like on the first page of your handout? 12:44:10 I have this example. This is actually from one of my clients who wrote this, and they were in a work situation where there was a lot of reorgan reorganization going on, and they felt like they were getting caught up in that 12:44:21 chaos. So they wanted to change things and and step back for themselves and look at. 12:44:26 Okay, How do I want to self-manage myself? And what do I want? 12:44:28 My wellbeing to look like I changed the date to make this relevant to today. 12:44:35 So let me just recite this for you and then i'm gonna go through and outline the aspects that you want to make sure you include in your wellness vision this says by May. 12:44:44 Second 2023, i'm responding in a more conscious way to my work. 12:44:48 Chaos i'm gladly finding ways to connect socially. once a week my body feels strong and vibrant from completing a 5 k by at least walking or walk jogging it. 12:45:00 I have a routine relaxation practice in place. I feel more grounded, less flustered, more patient. and others often comment on my calm, positive demeanor. 12:45:13 Okay, So let me break this down first. you'll note it starts with a date and the state that I chose for this example. 12:45:20 I put it 6 months out from today. So in general, I suggest that when you create a wellness vision created, create it for at least 6 to 12 months out to give you enough time to start getting these pieces in and moving, toward it the second piece 12:45:37 is use. I statements, I and my so i'm responding i'm, gladly. 12:45:43 I have a routine, I feel more grounded my body, and that again grounds it. 12:45:48 And this is what you're you're doing and and the tense is such that I am doing this, or I. 12:45:54 You will have completed this. Not you will or I may or I want it's It's already happened that date has arrived. 12:46:03 And this is this: is what you're doing in action it might have a milestone. 12:46:08 This person had wanted to complete a fivek, and it also includes what others are commenting on. 12:46:14 How, what are others saying? what are, and how are you feeling the final point? 12:46:20 I want to bring out in this is know how many senses is this? 12:46:24 1, 2, 3, This it's 3 excuse me 4 senses. You want to have your wellness vision between 3 and 5 cents. 12:46:33 It's not one sentence, it's not an essay about 3 to 5 sentences is is a good amount, because ultimately, when you create this, it's not something you're going to create and put in a drawer you want to 12:46:44 have it accessible. You might posted on your refrigerator, posted on a mirror posted. put it in your a notebook that you use every day. 12:46:54 Make it your background on your computer posted in on your steering whale of your car right in the center of the steering wheel, for example, someplace you're going to see it every day because you're kind of 12:47:06 programming your mind that this is what we're aiming for so here, so one decision, it doesn't take you for ever to. 12:47:14 But it does take a little while, maybe maybe so what i'm gonna give you is 5 min right now, just to jot down. 12:47:25 I've given you space on the first page of your handout jot down some phrases, some notes on what you know you want to complete in your wellness, vision, or have us part of your wellness. 12:47:35 Vision. So i'll give you 5 min now just to do that and then we'll regroup 12:47:57 And again. the goal is not to complete the entire wellness vision in that time, but just to get some initial ideas down 12:51:41 And one more minute on that 12:52:40 Okay. So again, you've got some initial ideas down of what your wellness vision will be. and consider that kind of your first draft and Oops take a initial action item I invite you to complete that within 24 h after 12:53:00 today. So now you'll have that done and complete then posted in those ways. 12:53:05 But we will also work with what you've created so far in the rest of this presentation today. 12:53:12 Step one again was reimagined. so we just started to reimagine what your well-being could look like, and then step 2 is to experiment. 12:53:21 And here It's not only about what you do it's about how you're doing, and being and the quote I'm sharing here is from Gloria a timo she says perfectionism is not my standard showing up and 12:53:33 practicing is and I think that's a beautiful thing to remember is using each of these levers that are about to share with you as things to practice and play with, and have fun with have a sense of discovery and curiosity about them don't try 12:53:49 to so hard to like. Let me just get this right. 12:53:53 That is, that is something that i'd like you to remember as we go through this experimentation piece. 12:53:57 I'm going to present 5 different levers in what I call a burnout proofing dashboard. 12:54:03 You'll see in page 2 of your handout I have the dialogue of what the product proof dashboard like looks like I'm. 12:54:09 A visual person. I like to see a visual and you'll see the wellness vision is right in the center. 12:54:14 You consider that the bullseye the target that you're shooting for, and then the 5 levers of what you can adjust to get to the wellness vision are surrounding that So i'm going to go through each of these 12:54:26 pieces, and i'll define them as we go on the third page of your handout. 12:54:33 You'll see each of these pieces listed at the top as I go through each lever. 12:54:37 I invite you to rate yourself on a scale of one to 10 on the current quality of that lever in your life. 12:54:44 This is for your think of it as a self-assessment for yourself. 12:54:48 This isn't anything you need to share with anybody else and it's just giving you a snapshot of where you are in each of these qualities, and then i'll give you some tips on how you can use that going 12:54:58 forward. So, lever one is inner balance, inner balance. 12:55:04 You can think of that as a sense of centeredness, grounding and having space. 12:55:11 If I were to ask yourself to open up your calendar of choice, how much white space would you have? 12:55:18 Or is everything shoved in back to back, to back to back. 12:55:20 We need white space to function effectively in our days, and to actually think better. 12:55:28 Think of when ideas and solutions come to you in the shower, who I bet you that happens to a lot of people. 12:55:34 Why does that happen? Because your mind has been allowed to wander? 12:55:39 So we need this white space in our day it's what helps us function better. and i'm as this slide says I'm, a huge believer in prioritizing inner balance over work, life balance for a number of reasons first of 12:55:51 all. When people say they want work life balance I almost feel like there's kind of a wink wink with it, because they feel like it's really not a attainable number one number 2 doesn't really capture I feel 12:56:03 the situation properly it's not like there's this piece of work and and life. 12:56:07 If there's it, misses that there's really different slices of life, work is one slice of life. 12:56:13 There's family there's friends there's fun there might be fitness. 12:56:16 There might be things that you do for personal professional development, and i'm Sure you can imagine a few other slices, and so the work life balance kind of misses that those nuances. 12:56:28 And ultimately, when people say they want work, life, balance that tends to come from a place of frenzy. 12:56:33 And if you try to create work-life balance from a place of frenzy, you're just gonna get more frenzy out of that. 12:56:38 And so, for all those reasons, and more i'm a huge fan of prioritized making sure you have this this white space, this breathing room space to just be and be still prioritize that over work life balance and it I 12:56:55 have it surrounding the Wellness vision on the bradout proofing dashboard, because if you are challenged with where to start the inner balance, you can't go wrong with starting with inner balance, if if if all things considered 12:57:09 equal and a a quick way to just start with. That is okay. 12:57:14 How do you start to add white space to your day? One way is, if you, if your meeting times are often either an hour or 30 min, for example, challenge yourself to conduct what you would normally conduct an hour meeting, and to do it in 45 12:57:29 to 50 min instead. You just bought yourself 1015 min of space or same thing with a half hour meeting. 12:57:35 Make that 20 to 25 min instead and buy yourself some space, and again, not space. 12:57:41 That you're gonna shove more to do into it But again, space to think, giving yourself these these different wedges where you can have just some being time summary group time. 12:57:50 So rate yourself again on a scale of one to 10 on where you are. how how prevalent inner balance is in your life? 12:58:00 Lever 2 is self-compassion. So you can think of this as a sense of being consistently kind to yourself in terms of how you treat yourself, and and how you talk to yourself. 12:58:10 Too, and taking yourself out of a place of judgment we we can be really Judy to ourselves. 12:58:16 When we're caught up in stressful situations saying things like Oh, you should have figured that out. 12:58:22 Oh, you should have caught that! Oh, you're so stupid Oh, you're so lazy! 12:58:26 You should have done it this way. We should all over ourselves and that doesn't help us at all, and instead the research shows when we are kind to ourselves, basically treating ourselves like we would treat our own best friend in the same situation or how 12:58:39 you talk to your a small child who's struggling we don't kind of wag our finger at them, and say, Oh, you should have done it this way. 12:58:46 You should have done it that way. We give them empowering, uplifting language, and we we need to give ourselves that same language. 12:58:54 And I also want to underscore the curiosity component too. 12:58:57 It's essentially impossible to be curious and judge at the same time. 12:59:02 So when you have the tendency to get ready to judge yourself instead, bring curiosity to it, like, Okay? 12:59:09 Why, what's causing you to feel this way What could help you feel better, and how to be a detective about the situation. 12:59:16 So, so the combination of kindness and curiosity can help. 12:59:20 You have more self-compassion to yourself. 12:59:23 The research also shows that, and it might sound weird but talking to your when you talk to yourself. 12:59:29 It's in a self-compassionate way. it's helpful to do that in the third person. 12:59:35 So use your name when you talk to yourself, and because it psychologically creates some distance and some space between you and the situation that's causing you to feel poorly. 12:59:44 So keep that in mind and kind of a quick tip to tune into self-compassion is to simply put your hand on your heart. if you're feeling stressed and you want to bring more 12:59:53 self-compassion to the situation. Put your hand in your heart. 12:59:56 You can do that in a really discreet way. wherever you? are. You can do it on a zoom. call. 13:00:00 You could do it when you're talking to someone on the phone or in person, and no one will be the wiser that you're kind of using that as a way to plug into self-compassion so that can be a 13:00:09 helpful, quick tip on how to do that. so go ahead and rate yourself on a scale of one to 10, on where you are on self compassion. 13:00:18 The third lever is managing energy or your energy sources. 13:00:23 I could spend a whole entire other webinar on this topic. 13:00:27 But let me give you the essential pieces of this first of all I'm. 13:00:31 A huge believer in prioritizing, managing energy over managing time. 13:00:37 For a couple reasons. First of all, time is finite. We all only have 24 h in the day, No matter. 13:00:44 Our gender social status, economic status. What have you? 13:00:48 We all have that a fixed amount of time, and sure there are ways that you can be more efficient. 13:00:52 With that time, but it has a built-in ceiling. 13:00:55 When you figure out how to manage your energy physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. 13:01:02 And what gives you energy and what drains your energy and you manage that intentionally. 13:01:07 It's like time magically expands. and you can be much more effective and much more productive. 13:01:13 So that's why I highly underscore the power of managing energy over time. 13:01:19 One action I didn't I would invite you to take on after today is to get a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle and write energy infusers at the top of one column and energy drains at the top of the 13:01:31 other column and just brainstorm the things that give you energy and the things that drain your energy. 13:01:38 And then you might go back and look at that list. Compare it to your wellness vision, and maybe circle on the energy and user side. 13:01:45 If I have these top 3 things consistently, this would help me move towards my wellness, vision, and on the drain side. 13:01:51 If I were to able to get these things off my plate, this would help me also move towards my wellness vision. 13:01:57 You'll select See, I have on the slide at this in a moment, called the 3 R. 13:02:01 One that's to use when you go through your drains So whether you go through the priorities, go through the entire list of drains, you can apply this 3 R rescue, which is you look at each drain. 13:02:14 And you say, Okay, can I reduce the strain and if I can't reduce it? 13:02:19 Can I remove it? and if I can't reduce it? reduce my exposure to it, or remove it? 13:02:25 Can I respond to it in a different way, because often the times we respond to the things that trigger us, we exacerbate it, we and we increase our suffering and make it worse. 13:02:36 So can we respond to it in a way that brings us peace. So that's how you can start to handle the and manage your energy. 13:02:45 So a quick way to start thinking about how to incorporate. 13:02:47 That is at the beginning of your day look ahead to the meetings that you have the task that you want to perform, and ask yourself, How can I best fuel myself today? 13:02:58 What's the fuel that any the fuel might be the food that you have? 13:03:02 It might be going for a walk at some point in the day. 13:03:06 It might be taken a nap later on. So what do you all need to kind of generate energy for yourself? 13:03:12 And where do you need to build in recovery time and space to do that? And how? 13:03:15 How do you do that? What helps you kind of get yourself going out of the gate initially, and what helps boost your energy during the day. 13:03:25 So go ahead and write yourself on how well you consistently manage your energy today. 13:03:29 How present that is, the fourth lever is presence this is again. Another topic that I could spend an entire webinar on, and I hope you're kind of seeing as i'm going through these different levers. 13:03:41 How they each depend on one another, too. the when we have more inner balance and space to think we can see and decide how we need to be energized when we have more self-compassion. 13:03:57 It's easier to also apply that to being present so presence when you're able to be present in an effective way. 13:04:04 It is a huge superpower there's 3 aspects of presence that I normally discuss, which is intention, attention, and impulse control. 13:04:14 Intention is basically being deliberate and deciding how you want to use this moment, the space in front of you. 13:04:21 So that could be like how what's the tone that you want in this text or email that you're about to send. What's the energy that you want to bring to this meeting that you're going to be in that's what I mean by 13:04:31 intentional. attention is deciding how you're going to be focused on this again. 13:04:38 What's right in front of you Now, whether it's being focused in giving a 100% of your attention to someone that you're having a conversation with to the task that's in front of you If there's a work task you're 13:04:48 performing. How do you remove all distractions? So you can perform that task most most effectively, and keep your focus and attention there and then. 13:04:57 Impulse control being proactive and and considering the things that tend to push your buttons, or could make things go sideways. 13:05:05 And how can you? What are you going to be your techniques to respond to that? 13:05:09 So you can respond in an effective way again. that doesn't exacerbate the situation. 13:05:14 So those are some helpful techniques to keep in mind, and you can just decide a quick way to decide. 13:05:21 To be present is simply feeling this, and stop and feeling the sensations in your feet and your hands. 13:05:28 If you just stop, you can even do this at the beginning of every meeting. 13:05:31 Just have everyone tune in Okay, let's everyone fully arrive here and just take a beat and just feel the sensations and your feeling and your feet in your hands. 13:05:39 You might even stop, and feel that. Now and that's a way to be present in your body and present here in this moment a quick way to start doing that so in general. 13:05:48 Think about how present you are overall and rate yourself on a scale of one to 10. 13:05:57 The final lever is social support. and this is an intentional, creative way to spell resourcefulness here, because I wanna underscore the fullness of that and the resources available to you. 13:06:11 When you cultivate the relationships that are available to you, and and not try to do things alone. 13:06:17 Sure you have your own resourcefulness from the strengths that you have, and the talents that you have so definitely use those that apply those as you move towards your wellness vision. 13:06:30 But also consider the resources that are available to you. Think of. 13:06:35 Once your wellness vision is finalized. Who might you share that with, and who would be your chair leader along the way, or who might even want to create their own wellness, vision and kind of move on the path? 13:06:47 With you and you could be each other's accountability buddies, for example, or what service professionals do you have? 13:06:53 That might be helpful in attaining your level of well-being. 13:06:57 What colleagues at work are most helpful to you. 13:06:59 Who do you consider your a team? And what was the last time you told someone that you consider them one of your most closest relationships in your life, and you really treasure their friendship? 13:07:11 What a great time of year to do that now, and also to consider again! 13:07:14 We're recording this on november the second Who do you want to make sure you connect with before the end of the year, and perhaps reach out to them. 13:07:22 That could be a quick thing you could do. You could send a text right after today. Say, hey? 13:07:24 I thought of you today would love to connect with you before the end of the year. 13:07:28 So think of what you're doing to cultivate the relationships that are important to you, so that's one step of the resourcefulness on the photograph that I have of the horizon here. what's that that 13:07:41 intends to signify is for those of you who are spiritually inclined. call it Universal Energy. 13:07:46 Call it God call it source, whatever you call it. This is another source of infinite supply to you. 13:07:53 Think of it as an outlet. All you have to do is plug in. 13:07:56 So how are you cultivating that relationship as well? Again, for those who are spiritually inclined? 13:08:03 So overall think about how you're leveraging how you would rate the quality of how you're leveraging the resources that are available to you on a routine basis. so i've gone through these 5 lovers and I hope 13:08:15 you're seeing that it's again it's about being playful with them. 13:08:20 It's less of working harder, to rebalance and more of kind of a softening and playing with these different levers. 13:08:25 So think about as you look at how you rated them. 13:08:30 Acknowledge what's going really well and what needs some enhancement, and then pick I would say one to 3 of them. 13:08:38 We? we covered 5. pick one to 3. Look at them. look at your wellness vision! 13:08:43 What top? 1, 2, 3, would be most helpful if these levers were in your life more predominantly and circle Those those are the ones that you want to prioritize and start practicing with. 13:08:57 Moving on to our final step. step 3 so we've done reimagine, and we've done experimentation and i'll implement and here maintaining burnout proof living requires what I call a resiliency system of sanity 13:09:10 or our sos. so you get to define your system to keep yourself same. 13:09:18 And this is a quote from Mel Robbins, and she says how you send your day up is how your life ends up. 13:09:25 So a lot of times we think about what we want for our well-being. 13:09:28 And we say, Oh, I hope I can get around to it and i'm gonna change you to design it into your life. 13:09:34 So it's again. it starts with the craft and to give yourself this vibrant resilience designing your days a week. 13:09:41 So, however, you create your days today whether you use a paper calendar, electronic calendar, whether you use a project planning tool, whether you use to do lists, paper to do list whatever works for you use that same tool to build in your how 13:09:55 you're going to put in these levers into your life and if you're struggling with that a little bit a way that you can start to step into action is to keep these concepts in mind bookkends breaks and 13:10:08 boundaries book ends is, how, how are you starting and ending your days? 13:10:14 So think about it. Are you starting your day? How do you start your day in a way that gets you ready to take on the day? and can you incorporate some of these levers in that? 13:10:22 Can you have some quiet space? that would be the inner balance one, and just have some quiet time before you launch into the day? 13:10:30 Or is there something energy wise that helps you into the day? 13:10:34 It might be doing some stretching. It might be reading something inspirational or listening to an inspirational podcast, 13:10:43 And or it might be visualizing how you want the day to go, and what might get you, what might pull you off sideways. 13:10:49 And how would you get yourself back? so visualizing the beginning of the day can help you? 13:10:53 Be ready to take on the day Another common term for this is your morning routine. 13:10:59 What's the morning routine that gets you going and then at the end of the day? 13:11:02 I find it's helpful to have 2 different parts one bookend at the end of your work time to segue from work to the rest of your day to kind of signal to your body. 13:11:13 Okay, we're done with the work day so whether that's physically shutting your computer, whether that's you might need a walk before you deal with the rest of society at the end of the day or some way to 13:11:23 decompress before the end of the day. If you commute you might just need to listen to quiet music on the way home, or just have no nothing, no sound in the car on the way home. 13:11:36 Similarly, if you work from home is there. some way you need to like decompress and shake things off before you interact with the other folks you live with 13:11:44 And then also. So there's one part and then another part is before you go to bed, having some sort of wind down routine. 13:11:51 Perhaps there's a certain time in day before you go to bed one to 2 h before you go to bed. 13:11:57 You don't use any more screens you might have you might move more slowly, and either when you're done with the work day before you go to bed, you change your clothes, you see me i'll link to your body. 13:12:08 Okay, we're having this transition now, so those are a bunch of different ways. 13:12:11 You can have the book ends and and and use those book ends to start incorporating. some of these practices, breaks another huge fan of breaks, generally a fan of taking a break every 60 to 90 min. 13:12:24 It is not a sign of weakness to take a break. 13:12:27 It is a sign of strength because it's going to help this gets back to brain sides. 13:12:32 It helps your brain function better. so, Bill, and you can take a micro break. 13:12:38 So, for example, if you do end up having a time where you have something back to back, and you can't physically get outside, you can do what's called taking a panoramic view, take your head out of your phone out of your 13:12:49 computer and just look from left to right a few times, and that neurologically resets your brain. 13:12:55 Ideally I do that outside. Get outside, Look out towards the horizon and look left to right. 13:13:01 If you can't get outside, you look outside a window physically, get up from your computer or away from your workspace every 60 to 90 min, and even if you can only like bounce up and down a few times do some 13:13:14 stretches that just to get a glass of water that helps to reset you. 13:13:20 So it doesn't have, to be a long break although I am a fan of taking a break up for your lunch, and having lunch away from your workspace, for example, that could be another break and then boundaries. 13:13:30 What boundaries did you need, to set in place for your well-being, so that could be things like having a hard stop at the end of your work day, for example, or having certain times a day, like perhaps between 7 Pm. 13:13:43 And 7 am you don't need to respond to email or you decide I need to take a walk in the mid-afternoon as my way to boost my energy. 13:13:53 That's the boundary that you set for yourself. or perhaps you don't do meetings during lunchtime. 13:13:58 That might be another boundary you set for yourself. So think about the boundaries that you can put in place to help again in institute these levers and move towards your wellness vision. 13:14:08 And think of this, is it's a commitment to rewire your and you're putting new. You may be bringing things that work for you already. 13:14:20 Forward terrific, and you might be changing some new habits, new ways of doing or being so in the habit. 13:14:27 Change piece taking that on. There's a commitment to rewiring that is inherent to that. 13:14:33 And what do I mean by that? So you the habits and routines that you've performed up until today have created neuro pathways in your brain? 13:14:42 The good news is, Those are not fixed, however, if we do nothing about them. Those neural pathways will keep us in our current habits. 13:14:51 If there's habits that we want to change we can certainly do that. 13:14:53 Our brains. Neuroplasticity allows that to happen. 13:14:55 But to create that new groove We can't just decide Okay, I'm gonna create this new habit that's the first step but also, commit to doing it repeatedly, because it's the repeated action that installs that 13:15:07 narrow pathway it's like having patch of grass that's pristine, and no pass on it when people start walking over the similar path over and over again it ultimately gets down to the dirt and now people see that 13:15:20 path, and they can walk that similar with creating the neuro pathway in our brain. 13:15:25 It's not ingrained until you go through that path over and over and over again. 13:15:30 So I say that because people can get can get discouraged when they start adopting new habits. and if they fall off the wagon, you know. 13:15:37 Hello, New year's resolutions and you know go into the deciding you're gonna go back to the Gym. 13:15:43 And you go back for a week or 2 and then you Don't do it anymore again, because you need to give it more time and and install that habit. 13:15:50 So have a change is not a straight line it's it's a zigzag if you're gonna have a head days, and you're going to have behind days, and if you know that going in you can just 13:15:58 acknowledge. Okay, it's a behind it i'm gonna get back on tomorrow, for example. 13:16:03 So yes, understand that it's a commitment to rewire in creating new habits. 13:16:07 So the progress path is the cycle of scheduling and booking. 13:16:13 These new ways of doing her being again in whatever tool you use putting them into action, and then reviewing i'm a fan of reviewing once a week. 13:16:23 Go back and check your what worked what didn't work and make adjustments, and then repeat the cycle the next week. 13:16:29 So think about what. So I shared a lot there in implementation. But think of what's one implementation that you will step that you will take in the next 24 h to to start putting this whatever. 13:16:43 Practices you choose into into play. So overall again. The big picture of this is reimagining your well-being what you want, that to look like experimenting with these different levers, and then choosing the ones that you 13:16:57 want to implement. So given the time that we have and I would love to put us in breakout rooms, heather, are you or someone else on the team controlling that Tom, I believe you're gonna assist with the breakout rooms just 13:17:24 just randomly assigned 7 to 8 people. each. Okay, for and let's do it for 7 min. 13:17:40 So we have 5 min back. and so the question i'll invite each of you to share is what's one thing, this whole presentation. 13:17:52 What's one thing that you'll do differently tomorrow to help create vibrance? 13:17:56 Resilience for yourself, and what inspired you to make that choice? 13:18:00 So if you could share that with your group and then we'll come back, and 7 min, how's that sound? 13:26:29 And at this point I would love to recordings back thanks for participating in that breakout. 13:26:39 And at this point I would love to hear any takeaways. 13:26:43 You have questions that you have, and just to leave you with for more support. 13:26:48 If you would like more living in burnout proof ways. 13:26:54 I have a free report on my website. it's called 9 mistakes that prevent people from burnout proofing their lives. 13:26:59 And that's right on the homepage on my website at priority. 13:27:02 Wellness com, and I also am pretty active on Linkedin. 13:27:05 So feel free to find me there. link up with me. Let me know You attended this presentation and follow me. 13:27:12 There. So I'm gonna stop sharing and let people either share in the chat or raise their hand with a major takeaway you had, or any questions that you have 13:27:33 One big takeaway. Someone want to share something they shared in the chat. 13:27:37 What's one thing they're gonna take on definitely don't want Jim go right ahead. 13:27:43 So I i this isn't something I share in the Chat but you know just a comment overall, thank you, Chris. 13:27:48 This was This is great, really, really helpful, really appreciate the the action ability of this. 13:27:54 I I send one over overarching thing that that I took away, and I love to hear. 13:27:59 Your reaction to this is when I think of some of the most successful people I know, and i'm not talking financially successful. 13:28:04 I'm talking, you know people who I look at their life ballistically, and say that person, you know I they get it. 13:28:11 What they all have in common is really strong self-awareness. 13:28:16 They understand to your point. You know what energizes them, what depletes them, what their strengths are, who they need to for support. 13:28:23 Right. they they have inspected themselves, and and do it continuously. 13:28:30 So I don't recall if you have the word self-awareness in here, or or if it was just me that the thought it was underpinning everything that that you you you described. 13:28:39 Yeah, I did not have the set where it's self-awareness in there. 13:28:42 But you bring up a good point. Yeah, a lot of this comes back to self awareness, and it's and it's hard to be self-aware if we don't give ourselves. 13:28:52 The space to do that which goes back to the whole That's why I put interbalance first like we. 13:28:57 We need that white space. We need that space to just decide and look and it's not about naval gazing. 13:29:02 It's more just about reviewing how we're being and be able to decide. 13:29:08 Okay, is this working for me? and and where do I want to be with my health and well-being? 13:29:13 Do I even make the time to to decide that that's why I built that into a Us. today, and make sure I didn't just tell you how to do it. 13:29:20 But like, okay, let's get started and hit the ground running with that. 13:29:24 So yeah, good point. good observation. Thank you. And we have some comments in the chat. 13:29:29 A lot of us need to commit to holding ourselves accountable to scheduling downtime. 13:29:34 I think Dns is downtime. Is that right? and sticking with it? 13:29:37 It was the theme for the most of us. in the breakout room. 13:29:40 Great and then oh, maybe do not Disturb time that's probably what that meant. 13:29:46 And then Casey says, my takeaway is to encourage my teams to create, and as a manager to respect flow focus blocks, love that a huge fan of focus time. 13:29:55 Nice, Casey, any other branding that heather system. So the Wellness Committee. Oh, my pleasure for joining you all today. Thanks for coming. 13:30:06 Everybody any other burning questions, or a burning takeaway, or observations that would like to share. 13:30:13 I was just gonna say that I feel like at our core. 13:30:17 Cmbers tend to be perfectionist and So what really resonated with me was switching from judgment to kindness. 13:30:26 Because I think we're all our own worst critic when we're trying to be perfect. 13:30:32 Yeah. So yeah, for sharing. Oh, my pleasure. And again, what would practice thing look like instead of being perfect? 13:30:39 We practice at this today? So yeah. And then again, the kindness and compassionate does come in. 13:30:45 Thank you. Thank you, Caitlin. Anybody else flipping on that. 13:30:57 I think curiosity is a really powerful word, with that too, and combating perfectionism or self judgment, as I think many Cmbers are innately curious, because we're I personally am not doing the research but many 13:31:12 are doing research to find inside. So I think, trying to combat that maybe ingrained or well worked muscle with curiosity is maybe a natural next step. 13:31:26 Yeah, right. You bring it to your work. Now bring it to yourself. Absolutely. 13:31:31 Thanks, Colleen, for calling that out so heather I see we're at time, and I want to respect folks time. 13:31:40 I don't know if you wanted to close out any particular way just to thank you for everyone for joining this I'm cannot wait to hear more about some of the steps. 13:31:50 That people are taking. If you're comfortable sharing those please please do share those on our health and wellness channel and sharepoint site. 13:32:00 And thanks again to our wellness, our health, and wellness committee for sponsoring this today. I know I took away some some good notes, and was reminded of some some things I just often and easily forget. 13:32:16 So I hope others had a positive experience as well. Thank you, Chris. and thank you so much for having me appreciate the interaction. 13:32:24 And your willingness to participate. So thanks so much.